We are so close to leaving I can taste it! That is, if I knew what Bulgaria was going to taste like...
- Exploring. Bulgaria is a place that most people can't name an associated food, city, or mountain. When we get there, we will be able to explore an amazing place.
- Variety. America is nice and safe and boring. Everything is sterile and fake. This is a nice place to live, but not forever, not constantly. We are going to get so much of that famous spice of life.
- Learning. Very similar to exploring. We get to learn a new way of thinking. A new way of looking at people. A new way of approaching relationships. What did you learn today?
- Beauty. Part of variety is beauty. When you live somewhere it becomes less beautiful. When you go somewhere new, you see more beauty in ordinary things. I want to see (and photograph) that beauty.
- Avoid the rats (at least the racing ones)! I hate sitting in traffic for 2 hours every day, let alone the bad days when I sit in twice that. I look forward to reading on a bus or walking or riding a bike to work. Exercise built into my day will make me healthier and wiser (hopefully)!
- Making a difference. I know that that is a little nebulous, and is hard to measure, but I would love to help people live an abundant life.
- Time with my wife. I hope that we will have more time together without the rat race.
- Experience a different way of looking at Christianity. I'm excited about finding a church to participate in and I hope that it gives me another perspective on my faith that I'm missing out on. Jesus was a middle eastern person and Paul was from Tarsus. I would love to experience a little more of eastern Christianity.
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