
Happy Birthday Bozhidar and Borovan!

Today is "Den Borovan" (the day of our town) and it's also Joy's host Mom's grandson's birthday, Bozhidar.  He is a whopping 11 years old!

The whole family came to town to celebrate and eat and celebrate and eat... lots of fun (see pics below).  He even had an ice cream cake (thought of you, Paul!)!  It was delicious and refreshing since it's actually warm outside! :)

The most interesting, yet not surprising, gift he received was a Bee-bee gun.  Randall got in on the action with that :)

It was nice to meet Joy's Mom's other daughter and her family, including Bozhidar.  Happy Birthday, Bozhidar!

Thanks family for including us in the festivities!  We love you!


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