
819 days later

Feels like today's the day to write a "closure" post.  We are waiting at the bus station for our bus to Greece and are officially no longer Peace Corps Volunteers.  It feels surreal, like we're in a vacuum, and that it can't possibly be over.

Reflection has definitely permeated our thoughts and conversations as of late.  And, that'll keep happening.

But, what keeps rising to the surface is that it's all about people.  Not projects.  Not fame.  Not numbers. Not doing stuff.  It's about people.

We've been so blessed.  By people.

By all of you who've walked with us (from afar & from down the street).

By all of you patient Bulgarian-speakers.

By all of you generous hosts, who always have room for another guest at the dinner table.

By all of you kids in the Sheker Primary School, who always made me smile no matter what.

By all of you colleagues, who put up with my confused looks and head nods.

By all of you Banitsa makers.

By all of you who bore the brunt of bureacracy for us.

By all of you PCV's - we couldn't have done this without your empathy and love.


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