
Happy Birthday, Randall!

What do wine + appetizers + 5 Peace Corps Volunteers + 3 colleagues + 5 friends make?  A smashing birthday party!  On Saturday, we threw a wine-tasting party for Randall's 29th birthday.  What a hit.  Half of the wine brought to the party was homemade.  Delicious.

Randall led us through the wine evaluation process, enjoying each as we went.  Some were fruity, some were flowery (a first for a lot of us), and some were especially for dessert.  Mmmm...

It was fun, throughout the night, to mix each of our birthday traditions... Randall handed out chocolates to his guests as they arrived (this is the Bulgarian "Cherpi" tradition), we wore snazzy party hats (American), we toasted several times throughout the night to Randall (mostly Bulgarian, somewhat American)... 

... we sang happy birthday in both languages...

... and Randall made a wish before blowing out his candles (Bulgarian + American).

And, as you can see, this party involved more than just delicious wine.  We enjoyed some Wii...

... and we also enjoyed our little Liza!

Take away from this birthday party: There's no better time or place for a wine-tasting party than a winter birthday in Bulgaria! :)


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